Friday, August 14, 2009

Payton's first day of 1st grade

Aug 13th, 2009 was Payton's first day of 1st grade. It was just a half day and then the next day and every day after is all day!! This truly is a day that I thought would take a lifetime to get here. I could not wait for this day but now that it is here and really happening I have to say a little part of my heart is aching. I am happy for her and am ready to see her grow into the person she is meant to be, but I still am a mom that wants to protect her. I know this moment will pass and I will soon enjoy having some free time, but for now I am sad and am missing her. In a couple of weeks I am pretty sure there will be a post about how much she loves school and how much I am loving some mommy time! I hope she has an amazing year and really grows emotionally and socially! I have to say that I have been so lucky and grateful to have the job that I have. Being a nurse and working 10 days a month allowed me to be home and not miss much of her first 6 years. It has been so important to Stan and I to have me here as much as I can be.

Two things she is going to miss and really should not have anymore, the thumb and blanket

Just being silly.......

The Diggs Family Reunion in St Louis

This past weekend we headed to St Louis for Stan's family reunion. It is a pretty significant event. They host a reunion every two years and is a all weekend event. We got down there Saturday afternoon and then headed to the dinner that evening. It was great. They had a really nice dinner with a dee-jay and lots of dancing. Do you think my girls go out and danced??? Heck no! They dance all the time at home but get them in front of an audience and they just shut down. Then on Sunday was the big family picnic. It is at Forest Park at the zoo. It is a big pavillion that is filled with so many people from Stan's family. It was a blast! Great food, lots of beer, and kids just everywhere! They had a clown there this year that did face painting and balloon making for the kids. My girls really liked this addtion. It was a quick trip but really worth it. I just love being around all of his family. It is loud but so much fun!

I just love this picture of us. I have no make-up on and hair is not done, but I think we all look great.
Here is Stan and his mother

Here are the girls enjoying what little girls love....cake.

Here is Stan's nephew Cortez, and his mother

Let the face painting begin

Me and Ave

The girls and grandma
My 3 favorite people