Friday, August 14, 2009

Payton's first day of 1st grade

Aug 13th, 2009 was Payton's first day of 1st grade. It was just a half day and then the next day and every day after is all day!! This truly is a day that I thought would take a lifetime to get here. I could not wait for this day but now that it is here and really happening I have to say a little part of my heart is aching. I am happy for her and am ready to see her grow into the person she is meant to be, but I still am a mom that wants to protect her. I know this moment will pass and I will soon enjoy having some free time, but for now I am sad and am missing her. In a couple of weeks I am pretty sure there will be a post about how much she loves school and how much I am loving some mommy time! I hope she has an amazing year and really grows emotionally and socially! I have to say that I have been so lucky and grateful to have the job that I have. Being a nurse and working 10 days a month allowed me to be home and not miss much of her first 6 years. It has been so important to Stan and I to have me here as much as I can be.

Two things she is going to miss and really should not have anymore, the thumb and blanket

Just being silly.......

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